by dzpack | Jun 30, 2020 | Uncategorized
Summer is finally here! All of us have been looking forward to be spending time with family and friends. However summer time is also the time for hail storms and thunder storms. Unfortunately during these times damages to our cars can be severe. This can make things... by dzpack | Jun 8, 2020 | Uncategorized
We love Nebraska, we don’t love hail damage. When it happens, and oh boy it happens. Dentworks is ready to help with your car or truck repair. Text us a photo or call and we can arrange a consultation. Hail damage almost always can be repaired. You won’t... by dzpack | Jun 8, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hail damage, its always terrible. Our car, our truck our roof of our house, can just get pummeled! We don’t fix roods on houses, but we do fix the roof of your car, the hood, the trunk, the side panels, yes we fix hail damage dents. It’s not a game,...